
Some lies you shouldn’t speak with doctor during check up

6:08 AM


We can feel that not every patient speaks truth with doctor. I am happy on my life and work: Lots of pressure in our life hampers our health. So if you are not happy with the work and life than don’t lie telling that you are living beautiful life. Similarly unsuccessful marriage and person life too gives you lots of stress. If you tell truth to doctor than they will provide you various ways to control this activities in your life.

You say you eat less and weight doesn’t decrease: We lie with our self with the calorie that we eat. We lie a lot during treatment. But lie won’t push us towards good solution but wrong treatment. You might get problem like cholesterol, pressure but you lie about your life style than doctor might select another ideas of treatment.

I smoke once a week: Even in law it is written that patient lie with doctor about smoking and alcohol. We assume the life style through this. Some of the patient says that they smokes a week and some says they smoke sometimes. But you should stop taking this poisons. Alcohol and cigarette is d@ngerous to health.

I am taking medicine: Some of the patient lies about the medicine that they eat. They don’t take medicine but they says that they take it. If you lie about this you need to invest more on medicine. If you are not taking medicine than honestly tell it to doctor.

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