
Nikhil Upreti Says Only Porn Movies Are Organic Rest Are Artificial Movies

10:28 PM

Nepali action actor Nikhil Upreti has announced his new produced film Rudra which will be directed by Ramji Lamichhane. Rudra will feature new actor and actress whereas Nikhil Upreti will be featured as a villain in the film. Rudra will go on floor from today. During the press meet of the film, reporter asked Nikhil about his film whether it’s organic or not? On that question Nikhil says that there are no any organic movies except porn movies. He says that only porn movies are organic films else other all movies are artificial movies and his film is also artificial film. Nikhil Upreti says that only on porn film actors uses their organ without any artificial things so it can be said organic else rest films are said to be organic for the sake of promotion. Watch the full video coverage of the event of Nikhil Upreti right here on Canada Nepal:

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