
Death Toll Reached 24 And Around 50 Injured In The Stampede At Varanasi - The stampede broke out when thousands of devotees of a religious leader tried to cross a bridge at once.

6:52 AM

A very shocking and upsetting news has been revealed from Varanashi on Saturday. At least 24 people are killed and 50 others are injured in a stampede at a religious gathering on the outskrits of Uttar Pradesh’s Varanashi on Saturday.

The stampede broke out when thousands of devotees of a religious leader tried to cross a bridge at once. The procession of Jai Gurudev Ji with his followers was on their way to Dormi village on the banks of Ganga to take part in the two day camp.

Thousands of followers participated the procession which created a chaos. There was a massive traffic jam due to the mob and while the procession moved downward from the Rajghat bridge, the stampede occurred causing the death of people.

This is not the first time that these kind of stampede is observed. There will be an announcement of compensation like every other unfortunate events. However, only compensation is not going to help people avoid these kinds of accidents. Therefore it is very important to bring precautionary measures in places like these where thousands of people participate occasionally every year.

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