
Victim Of Domestic Violence Kills Her Husband With The Help Of Her Lover - It is a matter of extra-marital affair and domestic violence at the same time. It is even disclosed that the victim used to treat harshly with his wife.

7:14 AM

Recently an unknown corpse was recovered in Gandhi Nagar Railway station in India. During the investigation, it is revealed that the person was murdered by his own wife with the help of her boyfriend.

It is a matter of extra-marital affair and domestic violence at the same time. It is even disclosed that the victim used to treat harshly with his wife. The wife always suffered the domestic violence made upon her by her own husband.

The woman was having extra marital affair with a man. When the woman could not take the harrashment of her husband, she planned her husband’s murder with her lover. They murdered the man and then threw the dead body near Gandhi Nagar railway station.

The culprit wife and her lover are arrested by the police. It can be seen in the video how the parties engaged in murder are handcuffed and are taken to the prison. Along with the woman, a small kid is also seen. Probably the kid is their child. The victim’s and his betrayer wife’s acts have led their young kid to suffer.

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