
Burtal Figth Between Brothers In The Pretext Of A Banana - This disturbing video was recorded live for Bithor area of Kanpur. The video shows couple of men fighting with each other.

5:21 AM

Anger is a short madness. A true Quote created by Horace which most of the people agree for. Whatever the reason could be behind the anger, but when people get angry they get somehow mad and react violently. Regardless the situation or environment around them, some people get violent when they get angry.

Presently video could be taken as a best example to support the above statement. This disturbing video was recorded live for Bithor area of Kanpur. The video shows couple of men fighting with each other. They are seen beating each other brutally with bamboo stick and even hitting with bricks.

These people are none other than brothers in relation. More shockingly the reason behind the argument was found to be a ‘banana’. The wives of the men are seen trying to avoid the violence and separate them from the fight. Had the women not been there then the condition would have gone even more worse.

Police later on investigated in this case and during the investigation it was revealed that the reason behind this violent act was a ‘banana’. The reality was that the children of these brother had fought few days before in the pretext of a banana. This incident brought a small creavage in the relation of their fathers, who are brothers to each other and later on turned into such a furious fight.

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