
From most of the stone taps of Kathmandu valley that have carried historical importance where water used to come in large quantity earlier have begun to dry these days

2:46 AM

These are the stone taps where there used to come limpid and large water till few years ago but now even a single drop of water comes from these taps.

Along with the population growth and urbanizations the sources of water begun to dry due to which the water stopped to come in stone tap said the locals. After the water stopped to come, taps that have engraved with traditional designs and images have become useless.

Bikhman Bijander, local said earlier there used to come pure water from stone but these days but know water has topped to come and the main reason to dry up taps are the construction of buildings are going on continuously along with well due to which water started top dry up in stone tap.

From most of the stone taps of Kathmandu valley that have carried historical importance water used to come in monsoon season but these days water have dried up. Laxmi Khatri, resident of Lalitpur, Patan used to be depending in stone tap for water last few years but now, as water started to dry in stone tap he has to be in 5-6 hours queue for a single pitcher, she complained.

As water begun to dry, stone taps are becoming useless these days. These pays, not only the traditional means of water has dried up but also the extreme scarcity of water too has been growing day by day. And all of these problems are happening just because of highly growth rate of population and the urbanization of the city.

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