
पैसाको लागि आफ्नै छोरीलाई जबरजस्ती यौनधन्दामा पिताले लगाए :: भिडियो हेर्नुहोस >>>

12:35 AM

Today’s crime story is about Punam murder case. The girl was very generous and hard working. Her mother had mental sickness and her father used to do nothing and juts rely on her. She was the only person in the family who would earn money. She also had a younger sister. She took the responsibility of everyone and she was doing well in life. She was engaged with a guy name Aashis. The two were madly in love with each other.

She had a great passion of dancing and one day her father had surprised her by admitting her in a dance class. She was extremely happy but she didn’t know that this was a trap of her father. He was just planning to make more money from her so he was indirectly sending her in the prostitution. Poor girl had no idea that her father wanted her to make money by sleeping with rich guy.

She was compelled to accept this and she did what her father wanted. One day she was murdered and the police were called for the investigation. Initially there was no identity of the girl so it was being hard for them to identify the girl. Later on the next day there was a complain of a girl’s missing. She was the same girl the people were searching for. Crime story is a program based on the crime that has been solved by the police.

The program depicts the crime that had taken place and the main motto of the program is to make people aware about the payback of crime. People have tendency of thinking that they will do something secretly and they will not have to pay for it since no one knew about it or will ever know about it.

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