
This is how to know the difference in plastic rice

4:55 AM


This is how you can differentiate if you are eating real rice or rice made out of plastic.

1. How is plastic rice made? To make this rice, potatoes, sweet potatoes and plastic is used. Plastic is used to give it the shape of a rice.

2. This burns like plastic: Even after being made, plastic rice is quite hard. The water coming from the rice is also very dark and plastic like. If you dry out the paste of this rice, it will look like plastic.

3. This rice is like polythene bag: 3 cups of plastic rice is equal to a large sized polythene bag. This rice is neither digested or degraded.

4. It can become the reason for cancer: The consumption of plastic rice directly affects the stomach and causes diseases related to stomach. And consuming it regularly can cause cancer.

5. How to identify it? If you compare a real rice and plastic rice, you will not be able to see much of a difference. Plastic rice is very shiny and it very light weight. It is perfectly shaped. It also takes a lot of time to cook.

6. Trick to identify plastic rice: When you soak rice in water, focus on it;s grains. Plastic rice never floats. Actual rice of the other hand floats.

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