
North Korea to the United Nations concur

7:55 PM

North Korea to the United Nations concur 

North Korea strikes srnkhalavaddharupama punaheka time to begin a work in the United Nations Security Council has concurred. 

North Korea last Friday, the fifth nuclear bomb nindapachi check up by the worldwide group achieved an agreement Security Council rest. 

The United Nations Security Council examined on Friday in the North Korea atomic bomb test on Friday firmly denounced the word. 

Furthermore, the United Nations Charter Article 41 th antaragatarahera set up another proposition concerning the specimen has been concurred. 

South Korea, the United States, Japan, Russia, China, North Korea's intense atomic bomb test on Friday firmly denounced the word. 

Laos official visit to South Korea President Park geyuna haile has unequivocally denounces this test. 

East Asian Nations summit in Vientiane, the capital bhienatienama (ieesa) keeping in mind the end goal to participate in this year there Ranju Park This is the second time North Korea tried an atomic bomb was said. 

North Korea has over and over overlooked UN Security Council resolutions and infringing upon universal organization giving a solid test to President Park is denounced. 

North Korea punagyeristhita his real test focus on Friday morning after the atomic test, the most capable and 5.3 Richter scale quake was felt manufactured. 

North Korea prior in 2006, 200 9, 2013 and January of this current year, four intense atomic bomb testing has as of now. 

North Korea on Monday that three out of his purvisamundrika shoreline byalistika rocket test had been assaulted. 

North Korea hvanju wide open Japanese Sea (siapha Japan) in the three back to back capable rocket strike in the South Korean Defense Ministry representative said the test was. 

Starting two weeks prior on August 24, the day the North Korean submarine assaulted the boat struck the capacity to be 500 kg m separation of the rocket test was in like manner.

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