
LIVE: Jewellery Worth Rs 1.5 Crore Looted From Shop In Bihar - news update

4:32 AM


It is the news of Katihar, where live footage has been revealed about robbery. Dacoits, attacking the jewelers publicly, robbed gold and silver jewelries of about 1.5 crore rupees. But CCTV footage, right after four days of the incident, helped Police get success in catching a suspect.

A group of eight armed criminals looted jewelries and other valuables worth more than rupees 1.5 crore from a jewelry shop at Katihar.
The criminals, who entered the jewellery shop at about 12.50pm, overwhelmed six persons, including shop owner RadheShyam, before escaping with the treasure.

Within seven minute the dacoits could manage to rob valuables including gold and silver amount to Rs.1.5 crore.
According to police, three of the criminals involved in the loot have been identified and police has started to arrest them.

On April 25, 2016, DC Nepal has updated the news related to women gang robbing jewelries entitled ‘A Woman Gang OfJewellery Thieves Were Caught On Camera InJhabua’ which reads as –A woman gang of thieves were caught on camera while robbing jewelry off a store in Jhabua in Madhya Pradesh.

The women who were trying to be clever enough which they weren’t actually and immediately were caught in the recording.

This gang is perfect in stealing the valuable ornaments. However, this time, they could not keep their illegitimate profession perfect secret because the third eye ‘CCVT Camera’ captured their illegitimate conduct.

This is not the first case of women gangs. Recently, DC Nepal has been giving the news regarding similar female gangs.

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