
BEST DANCE EVER watch video

2:55 AM

Everyone feel as king in their wedding ceremony. Wedding day is a very special day for bride and bride groom. They get life partner in that day. They begin their new life from that day. They have more responsibility after that day.

They have curiosity about their partner. Especially bridegroom has curiosity that my partner is virgin or not? Bride has curiosity about the behavior of her life partner. In Nepal culture virginity is very important. Every young boy have desire to get virgin wife. Every young girl have desire to get very handsome husband with good behavior.

In Nepal, a boy who does not drink alcohol, do not use tobacco, cigarette is taken as good boy. Every girl desires rich husband. In the wedding day all cares about bride and bride groom, so they wear very new and expensive clothes. They make full makeup. They want to be very beautiful on that day. its life time memory so everyone want to make memorable wedding ceremony. so people do not hesitate to spend a lot money in wedding.

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