
32-Years-Old Youth Turned Himself Into A Goat For Three Days - When the rat race became too much for Thomas quit London and became a goat in Switzerland. With some pretty extreme measures he at some extent turned into a human goat.

5:28 AM

When life gets unbearably stressful, the best way to refresh oneself is to stay in a vacation and head up for a trip. Unlike other people, Thomas Thwaites choose a way too different to get refreshment.

A 35-years-old designer in UK, Thomas Thwaites, wanted a simpler way of life. When the rat race became too much for Thomas quit London and became a goat in Switzerland. With some pretty extreme measures he at some extent turned into a human goat.

He applied for a university grant to study goat psychology and traced down a goatherd in the village of Wolfenschiessen in Switzerland who was prepared to tolerate him living with his animals as they were being taken to their summer pasture.

With the help of researchers and London based biochemical research group, Thwaites built himself a goat suit, fake goat’s stomach and prothestic legs. It was a painful task to live among the goats, feeding on grasses and sleeping in cold, but the most tough task was to convince the herd that he was one of them. More amazingly, the goat later accepted him as one of their number.

He won a very special prize for turning himself into a goat for six days, three days with the herd of goats and three days alone consecutively. He has been renowned with the 2016 lg Nobel Prize of Biology.

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